通信 & 市场营销









9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


The 网赌平台网站 办公室 of 通信 and 市场营销 is the main point of contact for all media inquiries. 所有查询请联系 (电子邮件保护)

We look forward to continuing to have a positive experience with media members while respecting the New College community.

确保遵守我们的赌城平台网站社区隐私和访问政策, 请查阅以下资料:

Our community (学生, faculty, and staff) has a right to privacy and freedom of expression. 我们有责任维护和尊重这些权利, the College has strict media policies for circumstances where media request to be present on our campus.

如果你想安排一次媒体采访 根据你的专业知识, 请与传播和营销办公室联系,电话 (电子邮件保护) 协助策划和任何可能的媒体访问. Whether the media or our campus community, please act with respect and professionalism.

所有对学生的主动采访 that a student or any member of the New College community agrees to require that the media get verbal, 允许采访的人的同意记录.  网赌平台网站可能需要, 具体情况具体分析, a media permission form to be signed by the student or others members of the campus community.

有资格的媒体必须提前24小时申请访问 to gain permission to access the New College campus and/or to request any interview (faculty, 学生, 或员工). 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) for media access so that the College can review your request and inform you if your request is approved. Media access may be limited or denied during an emergency or other situations when unrestricted media access may become disruptive. 学院的私人活动不向媒体开放.  

公共区域的媒体访问: Media access may be limited or denied to the full campus during an emergency or other situations when unrestricted media access may become disruptive. 通过调节, 学院的公共区域, 比如书店/零售区, 还有赌城平台网站场地, 例如海湾和海堤地区, are open to the non-affiliated members of the public during regular business or operational hours. The immediate area of the dormitories and the dormitories are not open to the public. 也, inside classroom buildings and other 学生-only areas (Hamilton Center, 用餐区, 娱乐领域, 等.)不向媒体或公众开放.

非公共区域媒体准入: 额外的非公众地方, 包括教室, 实验室, 办公室, 礼堂, 剧院, 运动场地及设施, and other areas of the College that are not ordinarily open to the public unless there is an event within such areas to which the public is invited, or the nonaffiliated person is an authorized guest of College personnel are not accessible by members of the media without permission from the College and are accompanied by College designated College personnel. 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 提前24小时审核您的请求.

Nonaffiliated persons are strictly prohibited from being in student residential areas unless providing authorized contractual vendor services or as the authorized guest of a student per Residential 生活 visitation and guest policies. Nonaffiliated persons are otherwise not allowed on College property except as authorized by this regulation. Identification may be requested for access to any of the facilities mentioned above.

任何一个, 在大学官员看来, 是否违反或已经违反了任何法律, 学院规定, 或者政策正在制造混乱, 以威胁的方式行动的, or creating an atmosphere not conducive to the use of facilities by others, or otherwise found in an area at a time that causes concern for the safety of persons or property, may be immediately reported to Campus Police or may be directed to leave College property by the College official. 如果该人没有按要求离开, Campus Police may respond to provide a verbal warning and/or issue a trespass warning. 学院, 具体情况具体分析, may require news media to remain within a designated media filming zone for law enforcement or safety reasons.

网赌平台网站赌城平台网站警察也有权逮捕, 根据州法律, any person for violation of state law or applicable county or city ordinance when such violations occur on or within 1,000英尺的大学财产或设施. 

总统, 担任学院的行政总裁, 或者指定人员, 负责学院的安全运作及管理. 总统, or authorized personnel designated by the President, may issue trespass warnings. 总统 is authorized to designate the specific locations where public events may occur and to place terms and conditions on how such events occur.  

所有索取公共纪录的要求,可向 (电子邮件保护) 与具体的要求包括主题, 日期范围, contact information for verification and fulfillment 具体情况具体分析.


通讯办公室的任务 & 市场营销是向当地的主要受众讲述网赌平台网站的故事, 通过品牌在地区和全国推广, 通信, 以及提高网赌平台网站知名度的营销努力, 提升学院声誉, 推进学院的战略目标.


通讯办公室 & 市场营销 offers a range of services to the New College campus community.

OCM manages various outlets for broadcasting announcements to the NCF community and beyond, 包括:

  • 新的学院公报通过电子邮件发送给教员 & 周四的员工.
  • 赌城平台网站数字屏幕.
  • 社交媒体
  • 书院最新消息
  • ncf上的公共活动.edu
  • 宣传、营销和广告

提交您的活动或公告 OCM内部网页面,MyNCF登录需要.

如需专业摄影或摄像,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)

We  welcome the submission of photos, videos, and posts for our channels, either by emailing (电子邮件保护) 或者通过应用程序直接给我们发信息 .



我们在网赌平台网站的使命是创造积极的, respectful environment where people can feel comfortable openly sharing their thoughts, 的想法, 和意见. 这一使命延续到了网络世界. The New College social media accounts and website are a visible presence and extension of the College, 无论人们在哪里与他们接触. The administrators of New College social media are charged with upholding this mission, and ensuring that the comment sections of our posts are a space for open dialogue. However, we will take action against comments that undermine our mission, 包括:

粗俗的用法, 亵渎, 种族主义, or otherwise inappropriate language; Spam or inappropriate promotion; Anything that may be deemed to be harmful to others in our online or on-campus community, that may negatively impact the reputation of 网赌平台网站 or viewed as disparaging the work or actions of others in our campus community. These decisions are at the discretion of the College’s social media accounts administrators.

我们不喜欢删除评论, 然而, these decisions are at the discretion of the College’s social media accounts administrators. So please adhere to these guidelines and help us keep online dialogues positive, 友好的, 尊重每一个人.  

OCM管理网赌平台网站的广告和营销计划. 更多信息请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).

For logos, brand standards and guidelines, and other resources from OCM visit the OCM内部网页面,MyNCF登录需要.

通信 & 销售人员


传媒总监 & 田径公共信息主任

